Private Works Guidelines
Prior to works commencing, a work plan should be provided by the Lot Owner and/or Lot Owner’s Representative for the Owners Corporation to review. No works should take place prior to the Owner's Corporation reviewing the request.
Submitting the work plan can help with the following:
Avoid potential costly fixes if works impact common property or other private property or in breach of the OC Act.
Ensuring proper process is followed while contractors are on common property.
All safety requirements for common property are communicated to contractors.
Allowing Building Managment to assist with access and parking where possible.
Help to notify others who may be impacted by noise from the works.
Access to specifications and drawings that may be relevant to the works.
The following will be requested on behalf of the Owners Corporation (OC). The aim of the fit out and works guidelines is to assist Lot Owners & Lot Owner Representatives in adhering to OC requirements.
A work plan should include the following:
Name of principle contractor(s) contracted to the Lot Owner and/or Lot Owner’s Representative
A copy of the principle contractor(s) Indemnity insurance
Scope of works
Schedule (timetable) of works
Demolition plan/Waste management plan (where applicable)
List of requests for the Owners Corporation; access to common property, use of areas, parking, etc.
The following may be appliable depending on the scope of the works.
Safe works method statements (SWMS).
MSDS for materials to be used in the works e.g. floor boards.
Fit-out plans
Appropriate drawings for any structural works (electrical, hydraulic, mechanical, engineering etc.).
Plant and equipment specifications (plant and/or equipment is fit for purpose).
Building and/or Planning Permit.
Other information as reasonably requested.
After works have been completed the Owners Corporation may request the following where applicable.
Copy of completion and/or compliance certificates
Copy of occupier's business registration and insurance
Food Retail - maintenance plan/program
Lot Owners Obligation​
Verify and review design compliance and drawings
Verify contractor’s qualifications and insurances
Submit applications to relevant authorities
Cover any and all costs associated with isolation/de-isolation of the fire panel by the buildings fire contractor relating to the build 
Authority to start and/or stop works in accordance with the agreed schedule.
Security of work site
Hold and maintain, consent approvals, certificates of compliance, warranties and any necessary statutory approvals.
The lot owner and/or lot owner representative will be responsible for the payment of costs due to damages to common property caused during works. This includes any increase in cleaning cost due to the transfer of materials in and around common property.
If you require any further assistance or information please do not hesitate to contact your Owners Corporation Representative/ Building Manager